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Teacup Dog Breeds

Teacup dog breeds

There area unit several dog breeds out there that area unit thought-about a teacup dogs. a number of the foremost familiar teacup dog breeds embody NY's Teacup , Chihuahua, Teacup Maltese, Teacup Pomeranian, Teacup Pugs, Teacup crowned head Thu, terrier, Terrier, Yorkshire terrier and Teacup poodle dog. These reasonably dogs area unit greatly valued and area unit seen as standing image.

Each one of those teacup dog breeds have their own characteristics, origin and history regarding however they're bred. Most of the teacup dog breeds list area unit bred by the system known as selective breeding. they're not special or rare dogs even if they will be terribly high-ticket as a result of there's an excellent demand for these cute and small dogs.

Teacup dogs area unit bred completely for look and this was introduced within the nineteenth century. typically teacup dogs were closely-held by kings and lords.Best teacup dog breeds list area unit terribly heat dogs and were used for heat within the cold winter days by royal members. A teacup dog’s temperature is around one hundred degrees Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit. they're additionally known as toy dogs as a result of they will sit in human lap and be carried everyplace with their owner.

Teacup dogs area unit valued for his or her fellowship and become very connected to it’s homeowners.Best teacup dog breeds list were specifically bred to attractiveness to individuals as a result of individuals love little dogs.