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How to get dog urine smell out of carpet

How to get dog urine smell out of carpet ?

If you have a dog , then it's a pretty good bet that you're going to have to clean a urine stain from time to time(how to get dog urine smell out of carpet) . Get the smell of urine from the carpet can be frustrating if you do not know what use.Here good advice on things that will remove urine odor from the cleaning woman carpet.Tired

Cleaners remove urine odor

Nature's Miracle

: An old but good. This product has been around a long time and still works great. You can get the original nature and Miracle Urine Destroyer Stain Odor Remover Nature's Miracle or waste and stain remover . These products come in various sizes, including gallon size if your pet has a lot of accidents.

Vinegar and baking soda

This concoction works to eliminate urine odor very well. Just mix a little baking soda with water and make a paste , then rub into the stained area . Then pour a little vinegar on it . Use towels or paper towels to clean how to get dog urine smell out of carpet . You can rinse the area with water and go! The urine odor should disappear. The area may feel a bit like vinegar , but dissipates .

Hydrogen peroxide

: Hydrogen peroxide has the urine odor of the carpet as well. However, be careful because it can affect the color of a carpet how to get dog urine smell out of carpet. Try it on your carpet in a hidden area first.

Mouthwash Listerine

: Listerine kills germs and kill the germs that cause bad smelling urine stain. Put some Listerine diluted over the area with urine stain how to get dog urine smell out of carpet, then blot with towels or paper towels . Listerine be left but an aroma fade taking urine odor thereof.

Other popular methods to eliminate urine odor include the use of a paste of corn starch how to get dog urine smell out of carpet, the use of chlorine and color how to get dog urine smell out of carpet.

how to get dog urine smell out of carpet ?

Step 1 : Test the product you want to use in a hidden area of your carpet to make sure it will not damage your carpet or bleach the color how to get dog urine smell out of carpet.

Step 2 : Apply the product. Some products must be paid directly to the urine stain . Other products that may have to be mixed to form a paste. Some products must be diluted with water.How to get dog urine smell out of carpet read the instructions to see what to do .

Step 3: Most of the products will have to sit on the stain for a few minutes so they can work on the scent how to get dog urine smell out of carpet.

Step 4: Remove it by rubbing liquid products. If paste is applied to the urine stain , you have to use water to remove the pulp , unless other ingredient is recommended . Use plenty of napkins or paper towels to absorb the product how to get dog urine smell out of carpet.

Step 5 : In general , it is better to let the area dry naturally instead of using any type of hair for faster drying how to get dog urine smell out of carpet , even if there is some kind of smell associated with the product.

There are several good ways to get rid of the smell associated with a urine stain . Try some of the suggestions here and see which ones work best in your home how to get dog urine smell out of carpet .